How to Disable All Gutenberg Frontend Styles in WordPress 6.x
Here’s every action and filter you need to completely disable WordPress’ default inline styles — including the recent classic-themes.min.css
in version 6.1 🙌
Articles, thoughts and ideas on an infrequent schedule. Stay updated via 🦋 Bluesky, or sign up for my newsletter.
Here’s every action and filter you need to completely disable WordPress’ default inline styles — including the recent classic-themes.min.css
in version 6.1 🙌
Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
A list of the best and most consistently high-quality blogs, all of which have stood the test of time. Here’s to the indie web; the good and simple life 🤗
What makes a users’ experience feel like magic? And what would ruin it? 🤔
This is the logic underpinning my “Barbell” framework, and it helps you find tiny solutions to big problems. Join CPHUX for instant access to this 60-min webinar and AmA.
In 2018, I gave a lot of talks and presentations and ran quite a couple of workshops, all centered around working smarter, essentially. I like doing this — learning, teaching, knowledge-sharing, etc., a lot. But.
Lars and I are evolving our tools and materials from Fagfestival ‘18 into a masterclass / seminar-ish format. We’re doing a new two-part webinar version on May 23 + Jun 12, with Dansk Journalistforbund. Access to these webinars are restricted to members, but a full package is coming soon, available to anyone looking to learn Demand Thinking.