Event: Webinar at CPHUX

What makes a users’ experience feel like magic? And what would ruin it? 🤔
This is the logic underpinning my “Barbell” framework, and it helps you find tiny solutions to big problems. Join CPHUX for instant access to this 60-min webinar and AmA.

What makes a users’ experience feel like magic? And what would ruin it? 🤔
This is the logic underpinning my “Barbell” framework, and it helps you find tiny solutions to big problems. Join CPHUX for instant access to this 60-min webinar and AmA.


About Casper Klenz-Kitenge

I live in Copenhagen, Denmark with my wife and our two kids. My day-to-day is about finding solutions to real problems, making my work matter by helping people achieve their goals. You should sign up for my newsletter to get a fresh perspective on work.